Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 53 - A tough week

A few items from the "hump day" package

My week has been a tough one. All of the appointments we set up fell through except for one and that was because we waited 20 minutes for them to get there. Arturo, our investigator who was on date for September, might not be staying in the area much longer so he is no longer meeting with us and fell off date. We pretty much only have 2 investigators now and they only want to meet with us once a week or once every other week. So it has been really interesting trying to find new investigators. We talk to a lot of people who are really into the Book of Revelation and firmly believe that the end of the world is approaching but they don't really have an interest in learning about how to safely make it through those times so yeah. But on the bright side now when people ask me how long I have been on my mission I now say, just over a year, instead of just under.  Also the other day we met a mountain man who told us his name was Bear claw. That was pretty cool. And I don't know if I included this last time but our mission President challenged us to read the entire Book of Mormon within a transfer. That's about 40 days, which is 13 pages every day. It has been a lot of fun and I have felt a difference in my life since I started it at the beginning of this transfer. I have a firm testimony in the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and this has really helped to increase it. The more we study it and apply it's teachings the closer we grow to God and become stronger saints. I know that it contains the words of eternal life from our Savior. So I would invite anyone who reads this to join in the challenge and try to read it within 40 days. You will feel the difference immediately. 

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